Would you know a poisonous mushroom if you saw one?
Because I'll be honest, I wouldn't.
I mean, some of the more obvious ones - the ones that are funny colours, or particularly weird shapes - well, they just *look* deadly, don't they? And you wouldn't touch them with a barge pole.
But the thing is, ones that look poisonous sometimes aren't, and ones that look perfectly harmless, well...
Well, there's a reason cute little white, perfectly symmetrical mushrooms have happy little names like Destroying Angel and Deathcap.
This one? Not a clue. Could be delicious.
But I certainly wouldn't risk it - doubly so after researching for The Phantom Murder, yikes.
And the thing is, they're just so easy to find. Mushrooms are everywhere! Especially in places like the woodland outside my fictional village of Castlebury Magna.
And the *other* thing is, information on poisonous mushrooms is *also* easy enough to find, even in 1920s England.
All it takes is a quick trip to the library, and you have all the information you need to know whether your find will taste delicious, or be the last thing you ever eat.
Half of the village have signed that book out over the years. Is Mrs Murphy's killer amongst them?
Find out in The Phantom Murder, coming soon to Kindle and Kindle Unlimited
(And, as always, if you need to catch up on the series so far, you can find books 1-4 on Kindle now)