Yes, here we go ag

I'm going to give this blogging lark another go.
Yet another go, I should say.
Because I'm a serial starter when it comes to this sort of thing.
I commit to it, enjoy it for a while, then get discouraged when it doesn't seem to do anything.
You know, when I get single-figure views on a post that took ages to write.
Or I have to sit down and write something to hit a schedule no one is waiting on.
And eventually I end up feeling like this:
But I know I should blog regularly.
It's a good way to build and maintain a connection with my readers, and show the Google bots that my website is active and should actually show up occasionally on searches, and is good for algorithms, and all that other stuff indie authors have to know about just to exist in any meaningful way.
And you know what? I actually enjoy blogging.
I know, I know, it doesn't sound like it, but I do.
As much as I adore writing fiction, it's good to write a little non-fiction occasionally, just because I like doing it.
So much so, I was the only person on my vocation-based uni course who was actually pleased to be given essay assignments!
So I'm going to give it another go, but on a very relaxed schedule - at least to start with.
I know, we're all supposed to be chained to our laptops and putting a post out as often as possible, but we're also supposed to have our eyes glued to our social media accounts, and send emails every day, and there's not enough hours in the day or clones of me.
Oh, and I guess I should write some books occasionally, which takes a little time, I hear.
Anyway, all this to say, I'm booting this thing back up again to write about non-fiction things, probably on a monthly/ad hoc basis to start with, and we'll take it from there.
What am I going to write about? Not sure yet.
Probably about my books, because let's face it, that's the thing I know most about (and, let's face it, I'm a touch narcassistic), so things like inspiration, character profiles, general updates, that sort of thing.
I might show you how I put one of my covers together, or share sneak peeks of my work, research I'm doing, that sort of thing.
I might talk about writing and publishing-related things, or do book reviews, or highlight other authors, or...
Well, you get the idea. This is a more relaxed, unstructured version of my blog that I've done before, and hopefully, that'll help me actually stick to it this time.
But, I need encouragement! Otherwise I'll fall off the wagon again.
Told you I was narcassistic lol.
So please, leave comments, sign up for notifications, all that jazz (assuming I've got this set up properly, anyway - if you don't see all that, zip me an email at to let me know, and I'll go poking around the settings again)
Okay, I think that's everything for now. Thanks for reading, catch you again sometime :)
Saff x