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Author Interview: Robin Castle

Writer's picture: Saffron AmattiSaffron Amatti

Today, I'd love you to meet my good friend and fellow mystery writer, Robin Castle. I could spend a long time telling you all about her and her wonderful books, but I think she'll be much better at it than I am, so I'm going to do whatever the blogging equivialent of handing over the mic is.

Take it away, Robin.


My name is Robin Castle. I am a transplanted author, born in America but now living in Ireland for the past ten years.

I love writing. Drafting, editing, discussing plot holes with beta readers---I love all of it. There is nothing I’d rather do. Except read books. And pet my cat.

I write what I want to read. Books that feature smart women, diverse casts of characters, and are full of humanity and snark. My first foray into publishing was Don’t Drink The Bathroom Water, a nonfiction guide detailing the idiosyncrasies of living in Ireland.

Next I published Related By Murder, a mystery novel featuring an unpredictable author thrown into a murder investigation, of which she is the primary suspect. Her fellow book club members both help and impede the investigation whilst discussing books and writing.

Related By Murder has been described as a fun mystery. Jennifer C Lopez wrote in her review on

Author Castle creates an array of relatable characters with curious personality traits…magnified through the perceptions of main character Elise. An incredibly curious blend of interactions, spurred by savvy, raw articulations in the voice of main character, Elise. She pulled me towards her friends, into her thoughts, along with her feelings and immersed me with emotion related to her messed up family…“those people”. The dynamic story oddities and immersive perspective… along with her special way of providing readers the inner workings & thoughts— of her main character are phenomenally written. I can still SEE and FEEL the connections, detached feelings and longings of main character Elise! Best of all, as the murder mystery case finally resolves, I find myself asking—how did I not see this perfect storm of a twist coming??!! Brilliant!!

Seven Years Missing, the sequel to Related By Murder, will be released in December. The book club and the original cast are back, but this time, someone has gone missing…

And finding them might be deadly.


What does your perfect day look like?

It begins with coffee and includes writing, exercise (hopefully), and no cooking (again, hopefully).

I spend Saturdays recording the Robin and Joa Podcast with Johanny Ortega, where we talk about books and reading and chat with authors about their books. Guests have included Alison Gaylin (The Collective), Kern Carter (Boys and Girls Screaming), Sonora Reyes (The Lesbianas Guide to Catholic Schools) and the very talented Saffron Amatti, whom I suspect you might know.


How do you like to relax?

Taking walks outside, reading, and playing video games are my main forms of relaxation. I also love board games, including Clue and Suburbia.


Art museum or sporting event?

I’d chose art museum every time. I find them inspiring.


Sweet or Salty?

Salty. I have no sweet tooth and dislike sweets. Strange, I know.


Any advice for new writers?

Do what feels good to you. There are many gurus whose methods won’t necessarily work for you. Just write. The world needs your voice.


Any final thoughts?

Thank you, Saffron, for this interview and for your support and help, both editorially and with book covers. It is much appreciated.


Thank you, Robin, for sharing a little about yourself and your books! I loved Related By Murder, and can't wait to read Seven Years Missing :)

You can find Robin Castle at


@robincastle55 on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok




© 2024 by Saffron Amatti.

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